Sunday, March 22, 2009

Recent Knitting

It's been a while but I do have pictures of what I've been working on, well finishing actually while I've been quiet.

First is a better picture of the Watchmen bib, I'm impressed with myself that I remembered to actually take the picture before mailing the bib to my intended victim. That is not normally the case.

Next up: a couple of pair of shorties that should be up in the shop soon unless the little man wakes up cranky or with micro-seizures. They'll be there by tonight at any rate, I hope.

This one is what happens when you ask the elder child for suggestions for names. I present to you Clown Vomit:

And Glacial Ice:

There might be one more pair by tonight but like everything else in the world it all depends. Y'all have a good Sunday.


  1. Love the color combos, nice work!

  2. Thank you, that's what comes of playing randomly with the dye.
